1. General Information
1.1.- This legal notice and information (hereinafter, the “Legal Notice”) regulates the use of the Internet portal service “www.bioparcfuengirola.es” and “www.taquillaonline.bioparcfuengirola.es” (hereinafter, the “Portal”). or “web”). The purpose of these conditions is to regulate the access and use of the portal by the users who visit it, as well as the making available to them, free of charge, unless expressly indicated otherwise, both of the information provided, whether general or specialized, as well as the different content offered and services provided therein.
1.2.- Any user who accesses the information and services offered in the aforementioned domain is subject to this document and this implies the user's adhesion and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions established at all times. A client/user is understood as anyone who browses the portal and/or uses the services included or purchases the services or products offered therein. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read these Conditions before starting use.
1.3.- To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and electronic commerce, the general information data of this website is indicated below:
- Address: C/ Padilla, nº 26 – 4th Floor 28006 – MADRID
- Contact: info@bioparcfuengirola.es
- CIF: B81295586
1.4.- Regarding the information contained in the portal, RAIN FOREST, SL (hereinafter, “the owner of the website”) does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in access to the portal, in its content, nor that it is updated. , although it will make its best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, correct or update them, trying to maintain the greatest precision in the content and complete information for the user.
1.5.- Likewise, the entity cannot guarantee that links to other places are accurate at the time of access. The places to which the links point are property of third parties and for which they are the ones who will be responsible to the extent and legality of their content. Any references made on this Website to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any other information using the brand, trade name or manufacturer or supplier, etc. that are owned by third parties, does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by this company.
1.6.- In the event that electronic commerce services are provided through the Portal, the regulations contained in Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Contracting Conditions, will apply. Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, and in in particular, by the Specific Contract Conditions that, where appropriate, are published on the Web Portal.
1.7.- Although the owner of the website reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, both these General Conditions and the Specific Conditions that may eventually be established; the configuration, presentation and design of the portal or any of the elements that comprise it; the information, general or specialized, and the contents provided and, in general, any other circumstances not expressly designated, including the cancellation of the portal or any of its elements. Once any of the aforementioned modifications have been implemented in the portal, any subsequent access made by the user will imply their unconditional acceptance of it.
1.8.- These General Conditions and the Particular Conditions that may eventually be established, and with the wording they present at any time, have an indefinite duration, and will remain in force as long as the portal remains active.
2.- User responsibility
2.1.- The use of the Portal will be carried out under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user, with the owner of the website being expressly exonerated from any damages and/or losses that may be caused to the user or third parties due to said use contrary to what is established herein. Legal Notice and the Particular Conditions that were applicable in each case, or against the legislation in force and applicable at the time. Said responsibility will extend to the use, by the user or any third party, of any password or similar assigned for access to the Portal, if applicable, or to any of its services.
2.2.- The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services that the entity offers through its portal and, by way of example but not limitation, not to use them to:
- Engaging in illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities;
- Disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, advocating terrorism or violating human rights;
- Cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the owner of the website, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems on the network that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage.
2.3.- Likewise, the owner of the website, although committed to adopting appropriate security measures, is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur or for any possible damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), the files or documents stored therein, as a consequence of the presence of viruses or others on the user's computer used to connect to the services and contents of the portal, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same. .
2.4.- The company reserves the right to deny, at any time and without prior notice, access to the Portal to those users who fail to comply with these general conditions, or the particular conditions that apply to them in each case.
2.5.- In the event that the owner of the website has links to other internet sites managed by third parties, the owner of the website will not exercise any type of control over said sites and/or content, and therefore any liability to the owner of the website is excluded. Portal derived from the use and content of such links. Likewise, if the Portal includes links to payment gateways or similar, the owner of the website does not assume any responsibility for their content, technical availability or operation.
2.6.- The owner of the website does not guarantee the legality, quality, reliability and usefulness of the services provided by third parties or those in which the owner of the website acts solely as a mere connector. External links direct to web pages of entities other than ours. These entities are responsible for their contents. In case of any violation of the law, such links will be immediately removed.
3.- Intellectual property rights
3.1.- The entire portal, understood to include the content, source codes, design form, product names, images, brands, trade names, logos, graphics, including copyright, audio files, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, content and order thereof, are protected by the regulations governing Intellectual and Industrial Property and it is understood that they are property, have been transferred or are licensed, in favor of the owner of the website and therefore the authorship. and the right of exploitation are protected by current commercial and criminal laws, and their infringement constitutes an illicit or criminal activity.
3.2.- The USER may view the elements and contents of this website and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of their computer or on any other physical medium as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for their personal and private use, keeping The notices relating to copyright and ownership remain intact at all times. Therefore, reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available or any other form of exploitation for commercial purposes, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation, is strictly prohibited. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on this website.
3.3.- Access to and navigation through the website does not grant the User any license or authorization of use of any kind over their Intellectual or Industrial Property rights or over any right or property related to the website itself, the services or the contents, except for the mere right to access and navigation, with the owner of the website reserving the power to exercise pertinent legal actions in the event that the User breaches intellectual and/or industrial property rights.
4.- Data protection
4.1.- In compliance with the provisions of EU REGULATION 2016/679, on the Protection of Personal Data, and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, as well as its development regulations, the Portal User is informed of the following:
4.2.- That the entity is committed to respecting current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, the privacy and confidentiality of users, as well as the secrecy and security of personal data, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.
4.3.- Likewise, you undertake that personal data may only be obtained for processing when they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and the specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained. And that they will be used rationally and responsibly. As well as not to transfer them to any other entity unless expressly authorized by the owner. On the other hand, the data provided will be canceled by the entity when they are no longer necessary or relevant for said purpose, or when requested by the owner, in the exercise of their right of cancellation, by sending an email in which this intention will be expressed attached. At the same time a copy of your DNI or other identification document.
4.4.- Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity, authenticity, relevance and non-excessiveness of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep it duly updated.
5.- Use of cookies. More information
5.1.- Definition: A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your equipment, they can be used to recognize to user. Under no circumstances could cookies harm your computer. On the other hand, the fact that they are active helps us identify and resolve possible errors.
5.2.- The owner of the website may use cookies to personalize and facilitate user navigation through its Portal as much as possible. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide references that allow the User's personal data to be deduced. You may configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by the entity, without affecting the user's ability to access the Contents.
- _gat and _ga: Google Analytics cookies that allow statistical analysis of visits to our website. Google Analytics data is not shared with any external company.
- viewed_cookie_policy (Cookie Law Plugin): Remember if the visitor has accepted/closed the cookie use information bar.
5.3.- We inform you that you can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your Internet browser. If you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access some of the services and your experience on our website may be less satisfactory.
We also indicate the following links, where you can find more information about the management of cookies in the main internet browsers:
6.- Applicable jurisdiction and legislation
6.1.- The terms and conditions that govern this portal and all relationships that may arise are safeguarded by Spanish legislation.
6.2.- Any controversy that may arise from access or use of this portal is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the domicile of the owner of the website.