Southeast Asia

el the habitat

ANGKOR TEMPLE: Located in Cambodia, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and dates back to the 12th century. In the original it is common to see small primates wandering among the ruins. RIVERINE FOREST: They are the forests that grow next to the river banks and whose vegetation depends more on soil moisture than on rainfall. They are areas of lush vegetation that are home to all types of species. FOREST CANOPY: In the tropical forests, life reaches to the top of the trees. These are species with arboreal habits that spend much of their time in trees. Heights that are home to primates and other mammals.
ABANDONED MINE: In the cavities of walls and mountains there are galleries in which the reptiles They find their shelter, until it is time to go out in search of food. Some will be difficult to spot. SECONDARY FOREST: A parallel reality reflected throughout the entire journey takes center stage. In this space, birds take over the territory, coexisting with some mammals. MANGROVE SWAMP: One of the most amazing and rich ecosystems in the world are those in which sweet and salt waters come together. These are stable ecosystems that are home to highly endemic flora and fauna.
Southeast Asia
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