and habitats

BIOPARC Fuengirola
En BIOPARC Fuengirola We recreate with great fidelity some of the tropical forests most amazing in the world. In them, we not only try to reproduce the vegetation or reflect the role of water, but we also represent how the species are organized and interact.

In tropical rainforests, life multiplies. Reproducing under the ground, in the ground and on it, making every step taken during your visit an opportunity to discover a new species.
Africa Equatorial
Areas of the ground overflowing with water and full of wading birds, ducks or antelopes. Fallen logs behind which insects or reptiles hide and valleys inhabited by small and large primates in the Republic of the Congo.
Southeast Asiático (coffee with condensed milk and cognac)
El Angkor Temple in Cambodia is home to primates among ancient ruins. The riparian forests, Next to rivers, they house species dependent on soil moisture. In the tropical forests, mammals They live in the treetops. Abandoned mines become refuges for reptiles and mangroves are ecosystems rich in biodiversity.
Indo Pacific
Reflection of the most common constructions and materials typical in the culture Khmer. This temple, once abandoned by civilization, has been occupied by species with great advantages in nature. In the land of dragons It is common to see other reptiles, such as lizards, snakes or chameleons.
Madagascar Island
The fourth largest island in the world is home to more than a hundred species and subspecies of lemur. Sociable, curious and very agile, lemurs live in groups and even share their environment with other species. The same thing happens on our particular island of Madagascar.